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August 16, 2014 | Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover

Recovery period after a mommy makeover


Congratulations on your decision to get a Mommy Makeover!

After surgery you need to protect the surgical areas from strain. You need to allow your body adequate time to heal (Tummy Tuck incision, Breast Implant incisions, etc)  before continue strenuous activities ,you should start feeling better after 3 weeks and start feeling normal after 6 weeks . Usually, light activity is encouraged as soon as possible, but strenuous activity will need to wait 6 weeks.  Your doctor will give you precise instructions prior to your surgery. Here at Premiere we have been providing SAFE and AFFORDABLE Cosmetic Surgery for over 20 years

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