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(Nose Surgery)

In Tampa, FL


When the nose is overly large, small, or crooked, it can affect your overall facial harmony and make the facial features appear imbalanced.

Rhinoplasty can improve the size and shape of the nose. Sometimes called a “nose job,” this cosmetic procedure can correct nasal deformities or irregularities to enhance your appearance and facial proportions. If you would like to improve the look of your nose, cosmetic nose surgery may be the answer.

Who Can Benefit From Rhinoplasty?

Women and men turn to cosmetic rhinoplasty to improve their:

  • Nose size
  • Nose width
  • Nasal profile (humps and depressions)
  • Nasal tip (large, bulbous, drooping, or upturned)
  • Nostrils (large, wide, or upturned)
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Deviated septum
  • Nasal defects from injury
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What Can Be Achieved With Rhinoplasty?

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Balanced Facial Features

The nose is the first visual anchor of the face and can influence overall facial harmony. If it is crooked, too small, or too big, the nose can make the entire face look uneven and unflattering. Rhinoplasty can create a more natural, symmetrical nasal shape and position that can better balance all surrounding facial features, including the eyes, chin, and jawline.

Defined Facial Profile

Nasal humps, depressions, and wide bridges that are naturally occurring or a result of traumatic injury can detract from a person’s natural beauty and facial contours.

By smoothing or streamlining the nasal bridge, rhinoplasty can improve the overall facial profile while providing a more defined and attractive look. This procedure is customizable and will be adjusted to your needs, whether you desire nasal reduction or augmentation.

Corrected Breathing

A deviated septum occurs when the cartilage that separates the nasal passages (septum) is crooked. This can be present from birth or can be the result of an injury. This condition can lead to headaches, difficulties breathing, and disrupted sleep cycles, including snoring.

Septoplasty can straighten the septum and open the nasal passage airways to help a person breathe better. This can be performed alone or along with cosmetic rhinoplasty.

Nose Surgery Options

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Nose surgery is an outpatient procedure that typically takes one and a half to three hours to perform. The time needed for nose surgery varies between patients depending on the amount of correction needed and the techniques used.

Before your procedure begins, your plastic surgeon will administer general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure your comfort throughout the surgery.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Whenever possible, your surgeon will use the closed rhinoplasty technique. During a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made within the nostrils, allowing them to be easily concealed.

Through the incisions, cartilage can be trimmed, shaped, or added, and the bone can be shaved to straighten the nose, build up a flat bridge, or reduce the size of the nostrils. If cartilage needs to be added, it can be taken from the septum, the ear, or the rib cage.

Incisions are then closed, and your recovery begins.

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty is chosen when more significant correction is needed. With this technique, an incision is made across the base of the columella, the skin and cartilage that separates the nostrils. This incision allows for better visualization of the nasal structure; however, it will result in a small (but still hidden) external scar across the columella.


Birth defects and facial injuries can affect the health and structure of the septum and nasal passageways. This can lead to difficulties breathing. During a septoplasty, the cartilage separating the nostrils is reshaped and repositioned, allowing for better and more even airflow between the nostrils.

Possible Combination Procedures

Many patients undergoing rhinoplasty wish to combine their surgery with other facial procedures to help achieve their ideal look while maintaining facial balance.

Common procedures combined with rhinoplasty include:

Please let your surgeon know if you are interested in combining procedures.

Other Concerns About Rhinoplasty

How Long Does Rhinoplasty Recovery Take?

During your rhinoplasty recovery, you will want to get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities. Immediately after surgery, a splint or gauze packing will be placed in the nose to support it and help retain its shape. Patients will notice some bruising and swelling, which can be controlled with prescribed pain medication.

You can shower with warm water one to two days after your procedure. However, you will want to be careful not to get your splint or bandages wet. You should sleep on your back, with your head propped on a pillow for the first week following your rhinoplasty surgery. This will help minimize swelling and allow you to breathe easier. If you sleep with a partner, you may want to ask them to check on you periodically to ensure your head is still properly elevated.

Generally, rhinoplasty patients can return to work and other obligations in one week. However, this varies between patients and will depend on how well you are healing and how strenuous your job is. Please speak with your surgeon if you are concerned about returning to work after surgery.

Exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided immediately after surgery to promote a safe, quick recovery. You will be able to return to your regular workout routine once your surgeon clears you, which is usually three to four weeks after surgery.

Is Rhinoplasty Painful?

Since rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, you will not feel any pain during the procedure itself. However, it is normal and expected to experience pain and discomfort during your recovery. Prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication can be taken as needed to alleviate any discomfort and help control swelling. Please contact your surgeon if pain persists for more than a few weeks.

Will I Have Scars After Rhinoplasty?

One of the main concerns patients have about undergoing cosmetic surgery is being left with long, noticeable surgical scars. The surgeons at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery understand that patients want their incisions to be as hidden as possible. Fortunately, there is very little (if any) external scarring associated with nose surgery and any external scars are easily concealable.

How Much Is Nose Surgery in Tampa, FL?

The cost of rhinoplasty surgery in Tampa varies between patients. Pricing depends on surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, facility fees, and the specific techniques used during the procedure. A consultation can help you determine a more specific rhinoplasty cost estimate.

If you are concerned about affording your rhinoplasty price, we offer plastic surgery financing plans to make paying for your surgery more manageable.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty

Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are unhappy with the appearance of their nose and have fully developed facial features. Patients should be in good health and have realistic expectations about the procedure.

While there is no set age requirement for rhinoplasty, most surgeons will not perform the procedure until your child is at least 13 years old. However, the right age for rhinoplasty will depend on the child’s facial growth. A consultation can help determine if your child is at an appropriate age for this major surgery.

What is discussed during my rhinoplasty consultation?

During your rhinoplasty consultation, your plastic surgeon will discuss your goals for the procedure and review your medical history. A physical evaluation of your nose may be needed to determine if you are a candidate. Once you are confirmed as a candidate, your surgeon will create a personalized surgical plan.

At this time, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the procedure.

To prepare for your consultation, you should plan questions to ask your surgeon. You should also plan to discuss your goals for the procedure. It is also important to have knowledge of your medical history so your surgeon can determine if rhinoplasty is a safe procedure for you.

How should I prepare for my rhinoplasty?

Many patients regularly take prescription medications to combat or prevent health issues. However, some medications and herbal supplements can thin the blood, increasing the risk of bleeding complications during surgery and recovery.

During your consultation, please make your surgeon aware of medications you are taking to determine if you will need to stop taking them to undergo surgery.

Additionally, if you smoke, you will be asked to refrain from smoking for at least one month before and after your rhinoplasty to reduce the surgical risks associated with smoking. That being said, being a smoker does not automatically disqualify you as a candidate. It is just important that you inform your plastic surgeon of this habit.

Does insurance cover rhinoplasty?

Since rhinoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure, most insurance companies do not cover the cost. However, if the surgery is to correct a medical issue such as a deviated septum that impairs your breathing, some or all costs may be covered.

For more information on your insurance coverage of nose surgery, please contact your insurance company.

Are there any risks associated with rhinoplasty?

While rhinoplasty is a safe procedure, some risks are present. These risks include:

  • Infection
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Skin discoloration
  • Swelling
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Pain

Can I drive myself home from surgery?

Since general anesthesia or IV sedation will be used to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure, you will not be able to drive yourself home. Please bring a responsible adult to drive you home and assist in your recovery.

Additional FAQs


The majority of swelling and bruising will subside within a few weeks, allowing you to see a noticeable change in the structure and appearance of the nose. However, the nasal contours need more time to heal before they can fully refine.

Most patients will have residual swelling for six months to one year. By this time, patients will be able to enjoy their more flattering nose. While most patients are extremely satisfied with their results, healing irregularities can exist, requiring a revision rhinoplasty procedure.

The results from your rhinoplasty surgery are intended to be permanent. However, this procedure cannot halt the natural aging process. Thankfully, if you are fully satisfied with your results, there will be no need for your procedure to be redone unless an injury occurs that affects your nasal structure.

Many people choose to combine cosmetic procedures to save time and money. Generally, combining procedures is less expensive since you only pay for fees associated with anesthesia and the operating room once. Additionally, minimizing the number of times you are put under anesthesia is always a good idea.

Combining procedures also allows you to get all your recoveries out of the way at one time. This is especially helpful for patients with children or overall busy schedules.

While there is no specific limit to how many surgeries can be combined, most surgeons will not combine procedures if surgery exceeds the six-hour mark. This is for your safety, as the risk of complications increases as surgical time increases. If you are interested in undergoing many procedures, some will likely have to be performed at a later time.

Many patients wish to view before and after photos from their surgeon’s past patients. Your surgeon will show you rhinoplasty before and after photos during your consultation. You can also view our online rhinoplasty photo gallery.

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