
We will MEET or BEAT any Written Quote by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
(within the continental United States).
PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery is committed to assisting our patients in finding the most appropriate payment method(s) for their procedure(s). Your Patient Coordinator can help you look at all your available alternatives. In some instances, a combination of options is the best alternative.
Our pricing is all inclusive… NO HIDDEN FEES. Your procedure costs will include Anesthesia, Operating Room, Surgeons Fees, Implants (when applicable), Post Operative Garments, Pre – Operative Lab Work, and Post – Operative Visits. When comparing facilities, patients should consider if doctors are Board Certified in Plastic Surgery, that fees are all inclusive, and that the facility is accredited for YOUR SAFETY.
PREMIERE Center currently works with third-party financing companies. Each of these companies provides instant approval for cosmetic surgery. Currently PREMIERE Center offers patients financing options through CareCredit and Alphaeon, United Medical Credit, as well as Healthcare Finance Direct.
Care Credit Financing – Tampa
In-House Financing

Get the body you deserve at the price you can afford! Learn about our in-house financing options with a 92% approval rate and interest free flexible payments.
Contact Us for details!
Cherry Financing
PREMIERE Center always accepts cash payments which are the easiest and least expensive way to pay for your plastic surgery procedure. Also, cash can be used to lower monthly financing costs when applied as a down payment toward a surgery loan.
Debit Cards, Cashiers Check, Money Orders
PREMIERE accepts payments via Debit Cards for your convince. We also accept both cashier checks and money orders for all cosmetic surgery procedures.
Credit Cards
For the convenience of our patients, PREMIERE accepts the following credit cards:
American Express, Master Card, Visa and Discover

PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery believes that cosmetic enhancement should be accessible to everyone. They are pleased to offer financing options for all of their offered procedures, including breast augmentation, liposuction, and mommy makeover.