Mommy Makeover Options

 In our culture, there is an assumption that women’s bodies should return to their pre-baby state soon after pregnancy and childbirth. This expectation comes from the media, peer pressure, and even from women themselves. The unfortunate reality is that many women will never be able to achieve this on their own. A Mommy Makeover can help women reclaim their pre-pregnancy figures and restore a youthful, beautiful appearance to their bodies after childbirth.

The Purpose of the Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of plastic surgery procedures that rejuvenate a woman’s body. Every Mommy Makeover is customized to address specific issues that women face concerning their post-pregnancy figures. Common concerns include loose abdominal skin, stretch marks, shapeless and deflated breasts, sagging breasts, persistent fat, and a perpetually distended tummy pooch caused by separated or overstretched abdominal muscles. A customized Mommy Makeover can resolve each of these problems and restore a youthful body with perky breasts, a flat abdomen, and slender, smooth curves.

Mommy Makeover Options

The Mommy Makeover uses a collection of procedures to address a woman’s trouble areas. Since the procedure is personalized, some women may need different surgeries than others. The four surgeries most commonly included in the Mommy Makeover are breast augmentation, breast lift surgery, abdominoplasty, and liposuction. Each of these components is also customized, making the Mommy Makeover a uniquely versatile way of addressing individual needs.

  • Breast Augmentation: Implants are inserted into the breasts to enhance their size, firmness, and shape. Patients can choose from a wide variety of implant styles and sizes, incision options, and implant placements.
  • Breast Lift: Excess skin is removed, and the breasts are reshaped and moved to a more youthful position on the chest. This is accomplished with a personalized approach using one of the various incisions to remove the desired amount of excess skin.
  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): Excess skin is removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened to flatten the stomach and improve the contour of the waist.  A mini or full tummy tuck may be performed to correct problems in the upper and lower abdomen.
  • Liposuction: Excess fat is eliminated from anywhere on the body through vacuum suction. The most common areas for a Mommy Makeover include the abdomen, hips, and thighs.

Mommy Makeover procedures have helped countless women achieve what they could not do on their own and restore their bodies after bearing children. Our plastic surgeons at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery can help you design a perfectly tailored Mommy Makeover to give you back your youthful body. To request your free consultation, please call (813) 400-1465 or contact us online today.

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