Are you looking for a solution to help trim and tone your tummy? A slender midsection is often seen as an ideal of beauty, but this is not always easy to achieve. The shape and size of your midsection changes after pregnancy, weight gain or loss, and genetics and aging. These can all make it difficult to regain a youthful figure despite you maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes, consistent exercise and eating well are not always effective means of losing those last few inches. If you need alternative solutions to help restore your youthful figure, then a tummy tuck and/or liposuction can be an effective solution for you. PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery offers both procedures and can help you determine which one would be right for you.
Liposuction is the most appropriate procedure if you need
- Removal of fat deposits
- Abdominal contouring
Liposuction is a minimally invasive way to lose a few inches of fat around your tummy. Performed under anesthesia, liposuction only requires a small incision. One of our physicians will use a cannula (a small suction device) to “vacuum” fat deposits from around your midsection. Due to the small size of the cannula, your surgeon can remove fat with precision to better enhance the curves and contours of your figure. This allows us to tailor your results to your treatment goals.
However, liposuction is not appropriate for patients who have excess skin or have skin that does not have strong elasticity. After the fat is removed from the tummy, the skin should be able to form to your new curves. If this forming is unlikely, then a tummy tuck would be a better procedure for you.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck surgery is most appropriate if you need
- Excess skin removed
- Muscles to be tightened
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure where one of our surgeons will excise any loose or sagging skin from around your midsection. There are two types of tummy tuck procedures:
A mini tuck is best for patients whose skin sagging is restricted to under the navel. Your surgeon will make one incision across the pubic area and remove any excess skin.
A full tuck is best for patients who have a lot of excess skin and abdominal muscles that need tightening. Two incisions are made: one around the navel and the other across the lower abdomen. Your surgeon will use both incisions to access any muscles that need to be tightened, and they will remove excess skin from both your mid and lower abdomen.
Combination of Procedures
Liposuction of the abdomen can be paired with a tummy tuck if elements of both procedures are necessary. Because a tummy tuck is designed to deal with loose and sagging skin, if you have fat deposits that you would also like removed, then pairing a tummy tuck with liposuction is the best way to contour your tummy fully. With both procedures, you can achieve your optimal shape.
Both procedures will have long-lasting results as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained. Excess weight gain will dramatically alter your body shape and will affect the results of your surgery. These procedures are not intended as weight loss procedures; it is advised that you are at a stable weight before undergoing either liposuction or a tummy tuck.