Breast Lift Techniques

A woman’s breasts are often seen as the focal point of a beautifully curved and contoured body. But what happens when the appearance of the breasts change? Aging, genetics, pregnancy, and significant weight changes can all contribute to changes in the body, such as a reduction of skin elasticity. This leads to breast sagging (or ptosis). When the breasts sag, they lose their natural position on the chest, the nipples can begin to point downward, and the areolas can even elongate.

A breast lift is the only solution to address these concerns. With a breast lift (or mastopexy), you can see your breasts restored to a more natural, youthful position. The board-certified surgeons at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery are skilled in multiple breast lift techniques. At your consultation, your surgeon will help you determine which procedure is most appropriate for your specific breast anatomy.

Breast Lift Procedure Techniques

  • Donut: The donut technique is appropriate if you have minor breast ptosis. Your surgeon will make the incision around the areola and give the breast a slight lift.
  • Lollipop: The lollipop technique is appropriate if your breasts have a moderate amount of ptosis. Your surgeon will make an incision around the areola and continue the incision down the front of the breast. Your surgeon will reshape your breasts and remove any excess skin and tissue.
  • Anchor: The anchor technique is appropriate if you have a significant amount of ptosis. This incision is made around the areola and is continued down the front of the breast and along the inframammary fold (the crease where your breast meets your chest). Significant excess skin and tissue will be removed, and your nipples can be repositioned, if necessary.

What to Expect

Your breast lift will be a two- to three-hour procedure in one of our fully accredited surgery centers. After your surgery, you can expect to feel some discomfort around your incisions, though this can be managed with pain medication. Swelling is also a common post-surgical side effect. Wearing a compression garment or surgical bra will help to minimize your swelling.

You should expect to take at least one week off from work. Most patients can resume light daily activities within the first week, though restarting more strenuous activities (such as exercise) should be avoided until you are cleared by your surgeon. The length of your recovery will depend on the type of procedure you had as well as your body’s healing abilities.

Immediately following your procedure, you will see a difference in your appearance; however, the surgical support bra, combined with some swelling, may obscure your full results. As the swelling subsides, your results will become clearer.

For more information about how you might benefit from a breast lift, and to determine which procedure is most appropriate for you, contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. Our office can be reached at (813) 400-1465.

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