This decision is between the pateint and the operating surgeon. Some doctors will perform both procedure at the same time, but many women may not want the extra scarring that comes along with a breast lift. One has the option of just doing the breast augmenation first, since ther is minimal scarring and waiting a few months after the healing process to see what the outcome of your breast are. If the implant is large enough to give you the lift you want and you are satisfied with the way you look then the lift may not be necessary. However you must keep in mind that if your breast were sagging before the augmentation chances are they will sag after the augmenation due to the weight of the implant. It is difficult to say which procedure a person should do first or get done together without being examined by a board certified plastic surgeon. At PREMIERE Center our board certified plastic surgeons are more than willing to discuss any surgical options with during a complimetary consultation at either our Tampa or Miami location!
Should I Have A Breast Lift And Augmentation At The Same Time
by Dr. Samuel Sohn