Liposuction Am I A Good Candidate

Am I a good Candidate?

Are you having trouble getting rid of pockets of extra fat, even though you undertake strict diet and exercise routines? Many individuals, even those who are in good shape, experience this phenomenon – and it can be very frustrating. However, it is not hopeless. Liposuction can be an effective way to get rid of excess fat in virtually any body area, including the arms, legs, abdomen, chin, neck, love handles, back, buttocks, and hips.

  •  You have areas of fat deposits that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and do not go away with diet and exercise.
  • Your skin elasticity is good there is not a lot of excess skin and the area is firm. (liposuction removes fat, not skin)
  • You wish there was more definition in certain areas of your body or a sleeker contour.

Your surgeon at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery will discuss your concerns and work with you to determine the most appropriate liposuction surgery and treatment. Your surgeon’s goal is to restore the body back to its firmer condition and showing less fat in the area(s) of concern. If you’re happy with the results of your surgery, you may feel more confident and less self-conscious.

Premiere Center’s board-certified plastic surgeons customize your liposuction surgery to your body structure and needs.

Our Board Certified plastic surgeons, as well as the entire staff, at PREMIERE Center take the time to get to know our patients, discussing their motivations and goals. Having the best cosmetic and plastic surgeons possible is standard at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Miami and Tampa.

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