Is Tummy Tuck Safe For Overweight Patient

All tummy tuck surgeries carry risk and the risks are higher when the patient is overweight. In plastic surgery literature, there have been studies that show the risks of complications are much greater in patients with BMIs over 30 than those under 30. These patients tend to have wound complications including fluid collection and delayed wound healing

What is most important is your health, what you want to accomplish, and the risks associated with achieving your goals. If you are a healthy non-smoker, you should be fine. If you are middle aged, a clearance by your internist may be a good idea. During this time, you should work on getting your cardiovascular reserve up – walk, run, exercise, whatever might best for you.

If your weight appears to be stable you will not gain by crash dieting especially if you deprive yourself from nutrients your body may need to properly heal your wound. Going up and down by a few pounds will NOT change the cosmetic outcome.

Regardless, you should always consult with a board certified plastic surgeon for a professional opinion based on a personal evaluation of your physical health. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation with PREMIERE Center Tampa or Miami!

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