Implants Under The Muscle Or Over

Just like with any other procedure the positioning of your implants during a breast augmentation will vary according to your body type, the doctors recommendation, and your preference. There are pros and cons to placing an implant above the muscle as well as there are pros and cons to placing the implant below the muscle.

For starters, if you have a small frame and very little breast tissue a surgeon may recommend that the implant be placed under the muscle whether the implant is saline or silicone. This will give you a more natural look and feel rather than placing the the implant above the muscle where you run the chance of noticable rippling and marks of the implant showing through your skin.

Placing the implant in front of the muscle in someone with a bigger frame and more breast tissue can give them a more natural look and feel as opposed to placing it under the muscle where it will be constrained and may look distorted in comparison to the rest of your breast. However, if place the implant above the muscle and you have sagging breast keep in mind, that even in combination with a breast lift, your breast may continue to sag because your skin may not be strong enough to support the weight of the implant-which is not supported by the muscle in a subglandular breast augmentation.

Ultimately each patient has specific needs that will dictate your plastic surgeon’s decision and the only way to determine which method is best for you is to consult with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon. At PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery our suregeons at both our Tampa and Miami centers have the experience and the expertise needed to help you make the most informed and beneficial decision regarding your cosmetic surgery!

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