If you do not want larger breasts then you can certainly have a lift without implants. If you don’t mind or want a somewhat larger breasts then a small implant could be added. Because of the size of your breasts any lift will not be permanent but will be an improvement over what you have now. I am unimpressed with the results of a donut lift for a patient like you and would recommend an anchor. Scars will improve over time, particularly the vertical one, and this can be done with or without an implant and should last the longest with the best shape. .At PREMIERE Center, we have been practicing the breast lift surgical procedure for over 19 years with our board certified plastic surgeons on staff ready to consult with you at either our Coral Gables / Tampa locations. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation today! Best of luck in your ultimate decision!
I Would Like My Breast To Have An Attractive Shape With Minimal Scarring Which Procedure Should I Get
by Dr. Samuel Sohn