Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. It is a volume reducing procedure. Patients who are significantly overweight will not benefit from liposuction and are at risk for complications associated with any surgery on obese patients. Liposuction works best for patients who are at or near ideal weight, but have an area of fat that does not conform to the rest of their torso. That said we often perform liposuction on patients that are a little heavy whose weight is stable. Use liposuction as a stimulus for you to diet and exercise first and then seek a consultation. I suggest you check a weight loss program that help you get to a more ideal and stable weight before considering liposuction. When you loose the weight necessary to have the procedure you may also benefit from other procedures at PREMIERE Center Tampa or Miami, so be sure to call and schedule a complimentary consultation when the time comes.
I Am Struggling So Much To Loose Weight Will Liposuction Help
by Dr. Samuel Sohn