Liposuction Vs Tummy Tuck

If you have concerns about the way your stomach look as want to do something about it you have several options to choose from. Many may narrow down their options between a tummy tuck or getting liposuction done, in some cases both are necessary. However only a board certified plastic surgeon will be able to tell you what they recommend based on their examination of your body. If you are choosing between a tummy tuck and liposuction knowing the difference between the two procedures is extremely helpful.

If you have excess skin hang from your stomach and no amount of exercise will get rid of it, what you are probably looking for is a tummy tuck. Also known as an Abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a procedure where the surgeon makes an incision from hip to hip, he will then remove the excess or hanging skin and tighten your abdominal muscles. Once he/she is done they make a new belly button and bring the opposing sides of the incision together and stitch it closed. A mini tummy tuck is same procedure minus the muscle tightening and with a much smaller scar.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is used to get rid of unwanted fat from problem areas all over your body. This procedure would best benefit people with good quality skin that will retain its elasticity and go back to a normal size once the fat is removed and swelling has subsided.

If you have loose and stretched out skin, this means that the elasticity in your skin is non-existent and it will not return. The only to deal with this issue is to remove the skin, for which a tummy tuck is very useful. If you just have excess fat and no loose skin then liposuction would be more beneficial. Schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon at PREMIERE Center to see which procedure is right for you!

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